I would like to thank Ernst for setting this blog up for me
Everyone loves Ernst! What a guy! The Bruno Papers would not be but for the hard work of my friend, Ernst. He is the most tech savvy person I know. When I was toying with the idea of having a blog, I emailed him. He called in a bit and we talked. The next thing you know I am in the blogging business. His kindness and generosity know no bounds.
He has guided me through the process. He told me what to read, when certainly I would rather have been reading my current novel. He allowed me to explore Administrator rights for awhile so I could check that out, and other things along the way so I could try to make a go of it. It is a nice thing that Ernst has done. This blog adds a new dimension to my static life. Take a risk! Could not have done it without you. Thank you so much, Ernst.
How I met Ernst
I met Ernst when, as a Certified Nursing Assistant, I spent time with his mother as her driver/companion. Mormor was Norwegian and just a lovely lady. She spoke with the most beautiful accent. He loved his mother so much and they were close. He lives in The Netherlands and would come to the States three or so times a year to visit her. He made her pancakes lots of mornings. Mormor lived with one of her daughters and couldn’t have been happier. She had five children, and talk about unconditional love all around, it was palpable. The family could not have been nicer to me.
When I first started, it was quite a switch from going to an office for 35 some odd years and then your workplace becomes someone’s residence. I was ready for a change. It felt good to get out of the office. It felt even better helping an 88-year-old sweet lady continue to thrive.

Mormor loved Vincent van Gogh. I wish I knew what her favorite painting of his was. Here is my favorite van Gogh. What I find so interesting about it is you can’t tell which way the crows are flying. She enjoyed coloring as do I. Her book to color was nothing but van Gogh paintings. My book to color was nothing but cats. I wish I could find that van Gogh book now.

Ernst, Mormor and Me at the Senior Center
When in town, Ernst would sometimes go to the Senior Center with Mormor and me. It was close by. He would usually walk (Ernst is a walker) and just meet us there for lunch and a little conversation. Mormor and I went there most days, except Fridays. Fridays were reserved for having lunch with her other son. He is her youngest. There were many days when we would skip the Senior Center and Mormor would have lunch with her friends.

This has to be the best senior center ever, with Brumby rockers out front, you just couldn’t ask for more. Great socialization. We all enjoyed being there. The Center served a healthy lunch with a small, varied menu (and breakfast as well), and charged very little for it. This is where Mormor and I learned to make mosaics. Mormor practiced Yoga here. She painted watercolors. We took Theraband classes. They have a small gym. Indoor pool. Ballroom dancing. They teach pottery, photography, drawing, computer things, and more than I can remember. The most popular class offered was (possibly still is) geneology. That class filled up fast and furious. Nearly impossible to get in.
Mormor attended a Creative Writing class. She enjoyed writing about her time spent in New Guinea with her husband. He was an epidemiologist for CDC, now called The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He researched tuberculosis and went out in the brush and worked with the tribes people. All of her children, except the oldest, were born in New Guinea. She shared fascinating stories and pictures. It was quite the adventure for her.
On a personal note, I would like to thank the late Ms. Dorothy Benson for making the Center what it is today. She was a strong advocate for seniors and their well-being. She worked with various organizations and governments to accomplish this. She worked tirelessly, and they made it happen. A salute to you, Ms. Benson. In addition, a salute to the great team, staff, and volunteers at The Dorothy C. Benson Senior Center. It takes a village.
So ….
I have wanted to write for years. Ernst, you have given me a place to find my voice. I remain indebted to you forever. What a wonderful human being you are. As van Gogh wrote:
“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” …
Coming next Wednesday: “Introducing You to My Mother”
Website links for further reading (go to):
“Vincent van Gogh > Quotes” from http://goodreads.com
“The Dorothy C. Benson Senior Center”: https://bensoncenter.org
New Guinea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Guinea
So glad to hear from you again….keep up the blogging that you love and do so well. What a terrific friend you spent time with and enjoyed each others company. How fortunate that Ernst is helping you set up your blog.
Fortunate indeed. Thank you so much for returning to The Bruno Papers. Really appreciate the Comment. Take care, Maureen.
Hi Yvonne, I certainly am enjoying your blog. Please tell Ernst hi from Christie and Pat. Pat is living at Monarch Villas and will be 96 in August. We miss our lunches with you, Mormor, Ernst and Kari.
Will definitely mention to Ernst. We did have great lunches. So nice hearing from you. Thank you for visiting The Bruno Papers. Please give Pat a hug and a kiss for me.
Loved hearing about Ernest. Again. Your time with that family was so special. Hardly recognize you with that “long” hair. Keep up the good storytelling.
Thank you for the kind words, Harriet. They are a special family indeed.