What Do I Want More Than Anything, At Least For Now?

I ask this of myself on occasion. Kind of a barometer of where I’m at. Always fluctuating.

I’m feeling pretty good these days so I’m not wanting, needing, or thinking about anything too serious.

Forbes.com listed eight things, in order, that people want more than anything. They note people desperately desire these things but they can’t seem to attain them.

  • Happiness
  • Money
  • Freedom
  • Peace
  • Joy
  • Balance
  • Fulfillment
  • Confidence

That’s quite a few reflective wants — in other words, an inside job. Here are some of mine:

Reasonably good health

Fiddle Faddle

You scream, I scream, we all scream for good health. Who could disagree? I say ”reasonably” because it seems possible, but nothing to bank on. This is basically out of my control, but I can still want it.

I had a quick visit to the internist yesterday. I have a new dentist (the third after my dentist of 40 years retired). I’m still shopping for a fit.

The dentist told me almost as soon as I sat in the chair that I have a fungus on my face. A what? Who gets that? I’d not noticed anything. That was all she said. She phoned in a Rx.

I wanted to ask the internist how I would know when it was gone because I didn’t know I had it in the first place. I had been using the cream for two weeks.

The internist explained it thoroughly. I’ll spare the details. Seems to be hereditary. People of Irish descent with a color of skin like mine might get it, but she’s not sure this has been published.

One of the weirdest things about the aging body is the obscureness of what it comes up with. And, to add insult to injury, this face thing is chronic. Will be on Rx cream off and on for the duration — none of this ”one and done” for me!

Not contagious. So if we hug, you’re safe.

I try to maintain an exercise routine, but I am not a healthy eater. I used to be attentive to a good diet, but at some point it became too much work. Can’t resist those mini chocolate donuts.

I have to force myself to drink water. So I’m not even a water drinker, although I do like blackberry and blueberry Hint.

I don’t believe diet and exercise necessarily give me longevity. My trainer may disagree.

I believe it helps in living more comfortably day-to-day and may keep away a fracture here and there. I think longevity is in the genes. Who knows?

If I didn’t weight train and do cardio, arthritis and osteoporosis would own my body. I have no choice. I must move.


Peace would be nice

I long for peace and calm. It is my daily homework. Peace from noise, chatter, pressures of daily living — even our barking dogs. The TV is becoming too much.

Cars revving up and down the road. Peace from leaf blowers, water pressure machines, chain saws, lawnmowers, delivery and garbage trucks.

The world is noisy and there’s nothing I can do about it. I realize some noise can’t be helped. After all, our yards do need mowing. Oh well.

Recently I had to call Cobb County AND the waste company. I finally had my fill of garbage truck noise.

All the beeping that goes along with it and the strains of the engine motor between 5:45 and 6:15 a.m. every Thursday was getting on my nerves. It’s against ordinance.

Ordinance says you may start at 7:00 a.m. Gosh, it’s hard work taking care of the neighborhood. Finally fixed it though. It’s nice having the quiet back.

I want a family

This probably tops my wants. There’s nothing I can do to change this now. Just a pipe dream. Having a couple of siblings would be nice — I think.

I grew up with aunts and uncles and cousins and oftentimes yearly family reunions. It was wonderful. Lots of feeling loved.

What I remember was happy people having fun. Great food as well. I miss time spent with family. Those really were the good old days. They’re gone, but good memories remain. Several times the reunions were held at an amusement park — they were the best.

Some people don’t care for their family. However, if it’s wanted, I wish everyone could have the loving feelings of their nearest and dearest.

Nobody has it perfect. How could we? No such thing as perfect. Why is it even a word?

This brings a thought to mind. Every year a little fuss is made about adding new words to the dictionary because they have become relevant.

I wonder if they ever remove words that have become irrelevant. Might be a good move to put perfect into the irrelevant bin. That’s the way I think anyway — perfect is a stressor for me.

Day Lillies — photo ys

I want people to enjoy reading The Bruno Papers

I want people to continue to read as long as I maintain good content. I hope sometimes it brings a smile to your face.

Fiddle Faddle

If I start writing about building a rocketship or how I developed a software program to have robots put roofs on houses, it’s way past time to move on.

You are a strong motivating force. I can’t believe the support and encouragement I receive. Definitely appreciated. Thank you.

I love it when readers share their life adventures.

Mini list — more than anything:

  • To remain a walker well into my 80s. (This morning on my walk, I passed a dear older lady. She was getting in her walk with the assistance of her walker. Someone was with her. You go girl!)
  • To remain a weight lifter well into my 80s
  • I’d like to be a tad less sensitive. However, a therapist told me it is a gift, so I’m not wholeheartedly in on this one.
  • I want Daisy, Ellie, and Sage to live forever — a person can dream.
  • I want people to stop carrying guns in their glove compartments.
Fiddle Faddle

And so …

What I also want more than anything is for civility, cordiality, and compromise to make a comeback. I want my lost value of truth/trust to live within me afresh.

I’m not keen on questioning and verifying things. At 67, my innocence is still eroding. It is ingrained in my being that I believe people and in people.

People say I’m foolish. Naïve. Okay, I get that. I wouldn’t have it any other way, although, yes, I do get burned (she says looking for her rose-colored glasses).

Truth and honesty are a big part of the foundation of who I am and how I live. And now a lot of that has shattered to smithereens. I’ll survive. I suppose there are worse things.

However, I’m late to the table again. I should have had an inkling when Photoshop hit the scene. Here’s to living on a rocky foundation and having few wants!

Namaste 🙏


Thank you so very much for reading. Would love to hear from you.


  1. I ruminate too frequently over perceived past injustices. Slower to anger and quicker to forgive would be more freedom and peace for me.

    1. Hi Ada, so expertly put. I ruminate way too much. Your slow to anger and quicker to forgive is a great recipe for freedom and peace. If I get angry, it’s hard for me to always count to 5-10 before I respond.

      Thank you for reading and leaving a comment.


  2. I’m not one to dwell on the past, but I do feel my past is a big part of who I am today and has made me a stronger person in many ways. Is this a common symptom of ageing, not wanting noise? The overstimulation of noise really bothers me now, and I find myself retreating to my bedroom to get away from the loud tv (think hubby has hearing problem), phone always ringing, street sounds (for 4 months my street is being used as a detour for downtown traffic,etc. I get ya Yvonne. I force myself to drink water, probably because I drink too much coffee! Trying to be better hydrated. My biggest goal is to move and strengthen myself. Never been muscular and never a walker. I know it’s important as we get older…better late than never! I’m always amazed how you come up with your topic for your blog. Always so informative and makes me think if past and present👩‍❤️‍👩

    1. Good morning, Judy. You know, I think it is a fact of life. Not everyone has the exercise gene. I have a few friends who want to embark on a regular exercise routine and it’s just not there. I wish society would cool their jets about exercise. It’s just not for everyone.

      My heart and ears sure go out to you for having that detour going right down your street. That would drive me up the wall.

      Great that you’re a water drinker! I don’t have the water drinking gene. HaHa. I think coffee is good for you. I’m not a coffee drinker so I’m missing out on a health benefit.

      Thank you for reading and leaving a comment. Both are much appreciated.

      Love, Yvonne

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